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Mazearena is a multiplayer game where players race to navigate through mazes, outpace their opponents to earn points.

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Maze League

The Mazeleague is the official competitive ranking system for Mazearena.

How Points Work

Points are awarded for winning matches and deducted for losses.

Players earn or lose points based on their match results, and their total points determine their their placement in mazeleague.

Different game modes offer different point rewards, with high-stakes matches offering bigger risks and bigger rewards.

Current game modes

Upcoming game modes

Ranking system

Every player starts at the lowest tier, Mazeling, and can work their way up to the elite title of Mazelegend.

Climbing the ranks requires skill, strategy, and consistency.

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Game Tiers

Players are sorted into 9 different tiers based on their total points. The higher the tier, the more prestigious the title.

Tier Player title Needed points Player color
9 Mazelegend 10000 +
8 Mazeking 3000 - 9999
7 Mazelord 1000 - 2999
6 Mazechampion 700 - 999
5 Mazetitan 400 - 699
4 Mazemaster 200 - 399
3 Mazecrawler 100 - 199
2 Mazesolver 20 - 99
1 Mazeling 0 - 19